Felt In Chicago... Florida holding 'no refusal' DUI checkpoints; Blood demand...
Texas, too... Internet groups fear UN could threaten web... China preparing for armed conflict 'in every direction'...
...shuts down 60,000 'pornographic websites'; arrests 5,000 people... Former Israeli president convicted of rape... VIDEO: Oil Could Push to $110... Home foreclosures jump... Forecasters keep eye on looming 'Solar Max'... Anorexic model who appeared in shock fashion campaign dies at 28... 
Playboy mansion a 'squalid prison,' former Playmates say... NINTENDO issues health warning on its 3D games...
| Obama bypasses Senate, appoints envoy to Syria... WASH POST STAFFER: Constitution Impossible to Understand Because It's Over 100 Years Old... 
CLAIM: Obama's Million Dollar Hawaiian Vacation: Costs to Taxpayers Detailed...
EXTENDED STAY... ELDER: $5 Gas Predicted Under Obama -- What, No Pitchforks? TIME'S JOE KLEIN: 'NOTHING MUCH HAPPENED IN 2010'...
PUTIN PAYBACK: Russian tycoon Khodorkovsky gets 14-year sentence...
Criticism of verdict mounts... Swiss franc hits record high vs dollar, euro, pound... UK union leaders predict surge in strike action next year... Woman Saves Dog With Mouth-To-Mouth Resuscitation... TWITTER BREAKING NEWS FEED...
| Hurricane winds hit L.A. -- 94 mph gusts! Storm Chaos Shows Flip Side of Airlines' Efficiency Push...
Flights at JFK Sit on Tarmac for Hours... Have we become nation of whiners and wimps? 'Artificial intelligence to transform web'... Cuba slashes state-subsidised soap... Yemeni Detainees at Gitmo Get Video Call Service...
Tinsel Town egos stripped bare: Film critic exposes unvarnished truth of Hollywood stars... 900-pound bull escapes on way to slaughter... New Year's resolutions 'barely last longer than week'... Sisters serving life released; one ordered to give other a kidney... 6-foot-7 man forced to stand during flight on Spirit Airlines... REFRESH DRUDGE REPORT FOR LATEST... |
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