SHOCK VIDEO: 4-Foot High Mud 'n Flood Encases Cars in California... Snowstorm Threat Shifts South...
Atlanta first snowy Christmas Day since 1882?
Syracuse smashes snow records for December...
Forecasters: Colorado faces most dangerous avalanche conditions in state history...

Freak diversion of jet stream paralyzing globe with freezing conditions... Oil prices trade near two-year highs... 'SPIDER-MAN' will resume with 'new' safety measures...
Stuntman Condition Still Serious... Anti-Israel ads fuel controversy in Seattle... CHRISTMAS MIRACLE
Firefighters save one of their own...
51-year-old recipient of 16-year-old's heart...
Person leaves nugget of gold in SALVATION ARMY kettle...
Mother Gives Daughter One Of Her Kidneys...
| IBM Predicts Holographic Calls, Air-Breathing Batteries by 2015...
UPDATE: Package Bombs Hit Embassies in Rome...
Romanian man hurls himself from Parliament balcony in protest at austerity measures... HORROR: 45 people lynched amid Haiti cholera terror... Armageddon-Fearing Pilgrims Flock To French Village... School sends home permission slips for Pledge of Allegiance... Oprah Attacks: President Palin 'does not scare me because I believe in intelligence of American public'... RADIO WAR: Michael Savage Sues Talk Syndicator... Scientists Defend $700k 'Cow Burp' Greenhouse Gas Study... Travel warnings issued for Mexico as holidays begin... Jury pool in marijuana case stages 'mutiny'... Alabama Town's Failed Pension Is Warning... TWITTER BREAKING NEWS FEED... ABCNEWS NOTE
| NKorea makes 'Holy War' nuclear threat...
SKorea holds massive new drills...
War games... China speeds plans to launch aircraft carrier... More people fall out of Obama mortgage-aid program...
...Bureaucratic mess Obama toasts 'season of progress'...
SPIEGEL: 'Obama Was Biggest Loser of 2010'...
Vice Admiral: Obama was outmaneuvered by Russians on START... 'Gay suicide' parents to sue Rutgers... Jurors in Murder Trial Held for Hours so Judge can Vacation... DRAHMA: Chicago Panel to Decide on Emanuel... REFRESH DRUDGE REPORT FOR LATEST... |
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