Friday, November 19, 2010

jfk deathbed confession google search

TruTV will air the first TV program to put forward admissions from those involved, and probe deep into the proofs of a conspiracy
UPDATE: Former Gov. Jesse Ventura will appear on the Alex Jones Show live today at 11 AM CENTRAL to discuss the JFK Assassination episode of Conspiracy Theory (PREMIERES FRI, NOV. 19 AT 10 PM / 9 CENTRAL).
Aaron Dykes
November 19, 2010
Jesse Ventura to air JFK assassination deathbed confession  onepixel

Jesse Ventura to air JFK assassination deathbed confession  18ventura

Long-time prober of the JFK assassination, Jesse Ventura will have his first chance to prove on television that a conspiracy, not a lone gunman, killed Kennedy. The proof includes a shocking audio confession and much more; airs this Fri, Nov. 19 at 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST

In the next episode of the hard-hitting second season of Conspiracy Theory, former Governor Jesse Ventura will take on what he has long regarded as the most significant event of his generation and the 60s era– the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The program will air this Friday, Nov. 19 at 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST, just days before the 47th anniversary of the iconic president’s death. But TruTV will air more than just memories and heated debate about the grassy knoll. For the first time ever on television, viewers will witness, at last, a confession in one of the most-controversial murders in all of history.
A “major figure” from recent U.S. history admits to involvement in the plot in an audio tape that will blow audiences away. The source names names, and Lee Harvey Oswald isn’t on the list. According to the show’s producers, Ventura’s team has even established new evidence that suggests the individuals allegedly involved in the assassination have powerful ties that even go as high as former President and former CIA director George H. W. Bush. Is this the key at last to why the media has been so reluctant to admit that someone else was shooting at Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963?
Jesse Ventura to air JFK assassination deathbed confession  onepixel

Jesse Ventura to air JFK assassination deathbed confession  18oswald

Ventura qualified as an expert shot while in naval special forces training, and qualified again as an expert during his term as Governor in Minnesota, yet he could not duplicate the time and accuracy of Oswald’s fateful shots.

In the course of the episode, Jesse Ventura, a former Navy SEAL and Underwater Demolitions expert, attempts to recreate Oswald’s alleged shooting that day. He tracked down the exact make and model, as well as ammunition stock that the Warren Commission claims Oswald used. But despite the fact that Ventura qualified as an expert shot while in naval special forces training, and qualified again as an expert during his term as Governor in Minnesota, he could not duplicate the time and accuracy of Oswald’s fateful shots. Yet Lee Harvey Oswald only qualified as a “marksman,” two grades lower than Ventura. (Witnesses who shot with Oswald have said for years that he had “Maggie’s drawers”—that he frequently missed the target and generally did not meet the high standards of a serviceman.)
The House Select Committee on Assassinations matched Ventura’s findings back in 1978. Their investigation found a 95% or higher probability that John F. Kennedy was killed by more than one assassin, concluding that indeed a conspiracy took place, and debunking the rushed conclusions of the 1964 Warren Commission that Oswald acted alone. However, nearly half a century later, the media has continued to promote the lone gunman theory, even in spite of a skeptical public. The motives behind this mass-misconception are deep and probing indeed, and Ventura has been questioning the official account for many years now.
Jesse Ventura to air JFK assassination deathbed confession  onepixel

Jesse Ventura to air JFK assassination deathbed confession  19tru thumbs

Images released by TruTV show that Ventura acts out the official account of Oswald’s shooting; then talks to a number of experts at Dealey Plaza, the site of the JFK assasination, including Jim Marrs, prominent researcher and frequent guest on the Alex Jones Show.

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Two of Ventura’s best-selling books, American Conspiracies and Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me, have both delved deeply into what really happened in the assassination. Ventura’s writing partner Dick Russell has also written extensively on the subject in his book On the Trail of the JFK Assassins. Tune in Fri, Nov. 19 to find out what Ventura and his Conspiracy Theory team have now uncovered.
From TruTV’s “Conspiracy Theory”:
“JFK Assassination” – NEW!
Premieres Fri, November 19 at 10P
Never-published declassified CIA documents appear to support a link between the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the Watergate scandal that brought down Richard Nixon. To find out for sure, Jesse Ventura goes to Dallas, where he meets Lee Harvey Oswald’s widow, Marina, and investigates the “Two Oswalds” theory that a CIA-groomed double killed JFK. TV-PG-L

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