Saturday, November 2, 2013

Obama care the next generation

hello ladies and gentlemen, this is FEMA camp infobase, we're here to talk about Obama care. And it's gargantuan nightmare of the system that people are not going to get their healthcare from the big exchanges and most of him will will's probably die from death panels that is correct. This Obama thought he was doing something decent for the American people, but he did not think with the right type of mind. His mind is out there costing taxpayers tens to thousands of dollars in premiums. He claimed the premiums will be going down, but you lie to the American people like you, I is I am not raising taxes, speech, but it's hard to understand how this whole thing will be working into one gigantic unified machine. The unified machine. It's just a machine that is a conglomerate nightmare. I understand why people are going to die on this plan, death panels. Let me tell you about death panels it's going to be a bureaucratic bean counter telling you you cannot get that surgery, not Dr. not a specialist by the bean counters. Why you may ask? Because Obama does not understand anything about healthcare in general and thinking about the global endgame is a nightmare of the society of people who sleeps

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