Friday, July 23, 2010

Feds let BP keep oil cap closed for another day

The federal government's point man for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill says he's authorized BP to keep the cap on its busted well for another 24 hours after the company pledged to closely monitor the seafloor for signs of a new leak.

In a statement issued Monday, retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen says a federal science team held a conference call with BP representatives Sunday night. He says the scientists got answers they wanted about how BP is monitoring the seabed in case any new leaks erupt from the capped well.

Allen had written BP the day before to say a seep had been detected a distance from the well and demanded BP step up monitoring of the seabed.

Allen says in his Monday statement he'll only allow the cap to stay on if BP continues meeting its obligations to watch for signs that it could possibly worsen the situation.

Source: AP News

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Big Times News
What if Freedom is no longer a spectator sport?

We at want to pose a few "what ifs" to the readers, and the nation at large to see, if confronted with a bit of circumstancial evidence, would you the readers come to the same conclusions we have?

What if the Elite had a list of goals they wanted to accomplish this year? Goals which consisted of war with Iran and the ability to fuel that war, reck the US economy, establish the ground work for a NAFTA Superport in the Gulf of Mexico, feeding the NAFTA Superhighway, which will feed North America, pass Cap and Trade, Fill the FEMA camps which have been built, have coastal areas free and clear of people for some UN agenda, and confiscate guns without really having to do it.

What if on April 11, some members of the military industrial complex set off a chain of nukes in a deep part of the Gulf to cause a fracture, and fill up the bottom with enough oil and gas to fuel an invasion against Iran? What if this explosion was felt by every seismograph online at the time? Who cares about the Straight of Hormuz, and who cares about our lack of refinement, especially if we could mix that oil and gas with corexit, and keep 99% of it at the bottom of the Gulf, so we can simply place refinement ships above the black pool, suck it up, and distribute it to the world right on the spot. What if you had to explain the 1% that had escaped by sinking a oil rig in the Gulf, then blame can be placed on a 24 hour newsfeed of a 21" pipe, that no one can do anything about.... watch my left hand while I get you with my right. What if they blew up the oil rig, and waited to announce it on the day of the birthdays of Queen Elizabeth and Hitler, and Earth Day, in addition to it being the day set to announce Cap and Trade. What if they said they stopped the oil leaking after 88 days? Is it just a coincidence that everyone is talking about revelations 8:8, read it for yourself? Or maybe it's just to toy with us a little more.

Would you worry about political or legal reprecussions, if you knew the people who would either not evacuate the Gulf Coast, or sue you in the future would be killed by the toxic fumes, so who cares. Not to mention the cancellation of the November elections due to the chaos of the evacuation of 20+ million people.

What if a spill so vast, and unreported could somehow stop the loop current in the Gulf Stream, warm the waters, and the climate, and warm the hearts of all the Global Warming non-believers. Would this help you pass Cap and Trade? Or free up vast coastal areas for the UN agenda mentioned above. Would this cause a deep freeze of the Northern half of the United States?

How would 20+ million Americans headed North take their guns with them? Would the loss of property value, jobs, industry, and lives of so many people wreck the already weak US economy?

What if you knew the 20+ million Americans couldn't head to the South West, because you had created such a problem with border drug violence and illegal immigration in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California? Opps, can't go there.

What if the Government tried to stir up racial tensions between white and black America just before 20+ million evacuating Southerners have to head North of the Mason-Dixon, with nowhere to go? Where are most of the FEMA Camps anyway? And food is scarce, because one of the world's most incredible fishing industries has just been destroyed. Not to mention all the crops from the Gulf to North Dakota are being covered in toxic rain thanks to BP, the corexit, and the radio-active petroleum oozing from the bottom of the ocean floor.

Which brings us to our last, most sobering point... What if by distributing radio-active gasoline around the world, in every car tank that is unlucky enough to use it makes it easy for these pyschopaths to have cart blanche distribution of their wonderful, new, high-tech nuclear weapons? What if freedom is no longer a spectator sport?
We're clearly not getting an accurate nor complete story on this shit.

Why on Earth would anybody deny BP keeping it's cap that is working ON?

Might as well just make up the news my Goddamn self.
There is an old saying: The more you stomp on the burning bag of dog crap on your porch, the bigger the problem becomes.

If the backpressure from the capped well further damages the well bore and/or the oil is finding another path of least resistance, as any pressurized fluid will do, it might be better to open the well head and recover as much oil as possible rather than risk opening up 1, 000 oil channels and passages through that sedimentary rock.
I thought the only solution was going to be the relief well.

Oh well, different day, different story.

That's how it goes.

Every shitty day, another shitty story.

I used to think the USA could do anything it set its mind to.

Now I'm pretty sure everything we touch turns to shit.

You know what Liberty would be?

a.) paying your taxes and not whining about it.


b.) voting on election day.


c.) spending the rest of your time living your life.

I kicked booze, I can kick reading nooze.

Catchy right?

"I kicked booze, I can kick the nooze!


I kicked booze, I can kick the nooze!


'He said he kicked booze he can kick the nooze!


He kicked booze he can kick the nooze!'

Huh huh huh!"
The reason BP is at odds with common sense is because they are classic Capitalists infected with the fear of losing their grip on greed and the influence they have in perpetuating the status of greed....
The Capitalism they adore does two things…it legalizes and rewards greed.
Greed (excessive desire to acquire or possess more, especially more material wealth, than one needs or deserves) has been with human beings forever.
We have a number of things in our species that you would call the dark side, and greed is one of them. If you don't put certain structures in place or restrictions on those parts of our being that come from that dark place, then it gets out of control.
Capitalism does the opposite of that. It not only doesn't really put any structure or restriction on greed. It both encourages and rewards it.
BP is also very much like Anarchists who want no control or government over their rampant desires, yet want to have unrestrained control over everything they do.
If BP could have gotten away with it, they would have thrown $75 million at the feds and said, "You deal with it."

That's what they tried to do via the efforts of their flying monkeys in Congress.

The parable of the Titanic should be taught to all executives. The series of executive blunders-16 lifeboats when they could have had 64, one pair of binoculars, one box of the wrong-colored flares, believing their own "unsinkable" nonsense, steaming at full speed through the Greenland Ice Field in April in a ship that doesn't turn when it's going at 1/2 speed, and many others-doomed that ship, as it doomed the Deepwater Horizion well.
british petroleum DEMANDED it stay closed

How much damage is being done?
Who is giving who the orders?

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