Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
We at femacampinfobase are cut thought
Fuck the new world order and fuck gold diggers more to come i love all of you who are true the rest can kiss my ass
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Germany: How the Left Took Things Too Far
A US congresswoman has been shot in the head and five other people have been killed by a gunman in Arizona. | |
They documented a 96 percent decline in the numbers of the four species, and said their range had shrunk by as much as 87 percent. As with honeybees, a pathogen is partly involved, but the researchers also found evidence the bees are vulnerable to inbreeding caused by habitat loss. | |
Do your friends complain that you can’t pull your eyes away from your iPhone? Well, if you get the new XWave by PLX Devices, then you might have trouble pulling your brain away, too. | |
Germany’s state-owned banking sector is set to be partially restructured with the expected sale by the country’s troubled Landesbanken of a 50 per cent stake in DekaBank, the fund manager, for about €2.3bn ($2.97bn). | |
“This is likely to open the floodgates to more suits in Massachusetts and strengthens cases in other states,” | |
In an exclusive extract from his new book, A History of the World since 9/11, Dominic Streatfeild explains how despite expert warnings, the US let al-Qaida buy an arsenal of deadly weapons – then tried to cover it up | |
China has been increasing its holdings of European government debt amid the euro-zone crisis, including that of Spain. | |
The European Union is moving ahead with plans to shield taxpayers from having to bail out big banks in the future, but there are substantial obstacles to making bondholders share losses. | |
In the Sixties, a groundbreaking series of experiments found that 65 per cent of us would kill if ordered to do so. | |
The latest computerized gadgetry is designed to knock down the military's response time. Troops on the ground can add new targets as soon as they spot them – like militants on foot, a rocket squad or a vehicle – to the network for commanders to see instantly and hit. | |
Health insurance costs for hundreds of thousands of individual policy holders with Blue Shield of California could go up as much 59 percent this year, according to the Los Angeles Times. | |
UFC lightweight Jacob Volkmann, following his UFC 125 win over Antonio McKee, declared that he wanted to fight President Barack Obama for his next fight. | |
IRS liens filed against taxpayers jumped 60% since the start of the national recession, according to a new federal report that urges the tax agency to moderate the collection policy and study its effectiveness. | |
South Korea was chosen for the test because, in the words of the city’s developers, “There is an historical expectation of less privacy.” Recent attention has been given to plans for “planned-opolis” cities – as presented by Embarq, Vodafone and others – that are rigidly controlled to “cut greenhouse gases,” and where travel is tightly restricted. As reported in 2008, | |
State and federal officials are investigating what's being described as small flash incendiary devices from packages delivered at the Maryland Department of Transportation's headquarters and a state government building in Annapolis. Minor injuries have been reported. | |
Gulf oil spill: BP set to avoid gross negligence chargeShares rise as US commission blames 'systemic' causes for spill and analysts say inquiry unlikely to contradict findings | |
It goes without saying the Rep. Peter King (R-NY) has never been one to shy away from uttering an outrageous soundbite (he’s usually first to the camera, if at all possible). | |
Led by mechanical science and engineering professor Nicholas Fang, Illinois researchers have demonstrated an acoustic cloak, a technology that renders underwater objects invisible to sonar and other ultrasound waves. | |
The Star reported Wednesday that more than 40,000 dead Velvet swimming crabs have appeared on the Thanet shoreline in England. Dead starfish, lobsters, sponges and anemones were also found. | |
Israel told US officials in 2008 it would keep Gaza's economy "on the brink of collapse" while avoiding a humanitarian crisis, according to U.S. diplomatic cables published by a Norwegian daily on Wednesday. | |
According to incumbent and former US officials, the center, run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), keeps an eye on the growing use of special operation strikes against individuals. | |
The Federal Aviation Administration required the runway designation change to account for what a National Geographic News report described as a gradual shift of the Earth's magnetic pole at nearly 40 miles a year toward Russia because of magnetic changes in the core of the planet. | |
U.S. regulators are asking software developers in an "Open Internet Challenge" to create apps that let Internet users know when their service provider -- fixed or mobile -- is interfering with content. | |
Coalition forces in Afghanistan and Iraq have a major communications issue: military, security contractor and non-government organizations frequently need to communicate with each other during combat and other operations. But communications technology compatibility issues often prohibit them from doing so effectively. | |
In 1961, Dwight Eisenhower famously identified the military-industrial complex, warning that the growing fusion between corporations and the armed forces posed a threat to democracy. Judged 50 years later, Ike’s frightening prophecy actually understates the scope of our modern system—and the dangers of the perpetual march to war it has put us on. | |
Alireza Pahlavi, the son of the former shah of Iran, died of an apparent suicide at his home in Boston. | |
When you risk life and limb to help test a drug, are you helping science—or Big Pharma? | |
Some people who aren't familiar with the mortgage market might have gasped as they read the news that Bank of America would pay $3 billion to government-sponsored mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. After all, $3 billion sounds like a lot of money. "Maybe BOA is finally getting what it deserves," some naive bank-haters might have exclaimed. In fact, paying this sum is an incredible win for the bank. The penalty is so small that it's effectively insignificant. | |
A common misconception among less aware segments of the American populace is that the phrase “New World Order” was concocted by attention seeking “conspiracy theorists” in dank basement apartments and sinister mountain shacks across the country. In reality, anti-globalists and Constitutionalists had nothing to do with the term’s creation (and most of us have decent digs, too). The truth is that mumblings of a “New World Order” have been floating around various elitist circles for decades, and every once in a while, those mumblings are publicized in the mainstream media. Globalists created the warped ideal; we just point out that it exists. Lately, we haven’t had to try very hard… | |
A Colorado beekeeper recently obtained a leaked document revealing that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knows a popular crop pesticide is killing off honey bees, but has allowed its continued approval anyway. Despite opposition from its own scientists, EPA officials first gave the a-okay to Bayer CropScience’s toxic pesticide clothianidin in 1993 based on the company’s own flawed safety studies. But now it has been revealed that the EPA knew all along about the dangers of clothianidin and decided to just ignore them. | |
Over the past year the oil import costs for the 34 mostly rich countries that make up the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development have soared by $200bn to $790bn at the end of 2010, according to an analysis by the International Energy Agency. | |
Under U.S. Supreme Court precedents, "this loss of privacy allows police not only to seize anything of importance they find on the arrestee's body ... but also to open and examine what they find," the state court said in a 5-2 ruling. | |
The average professional in this country wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes home, eats dinner, and then goes to sleep, unaware that he or she has likely committed several federal crimes that day. Why? The answer lies in the very nature of modern federal criminal laws, which have exploded in number but also become impossibly broad and vague. | |
The findings upset the current view that human ancestors migrated to Europe from Africa by land alone. | |
The year has just begun, and already Fox News' Sean Hannity is telling the story of how Christians are being persecuted in the Arab world. | |
President Obama challenged congressional Republicans to embrace the "shared responsibility" of governance even as the White House appears ready to use unilateral executive powers to battle Capitol Hill. With Republicans taking over the House and increasing their number in the Senate, Obama faces the possibility of having his agenda stalled with limited room to maneuver -- making for tough sledding in the two years leading up to his 2012 re-election bid. | |
All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? | |
Lockheed Martin is the single largest recipient of U.S. tax dollars. | |
The other day, in my post “The Lull Before the Storm”, I mentioned that for fiscal year 2011, the Federal Reserve would be purchasing over 60% of the Federal government deficit. | |
They said in the US National Academy of Science journal PNAS that the change "since the early 1970s is largely unique in the context of the last approximately 1,800 years," and raised the prospect of a direct link with global warming. | |
Hungary, Poland, and three other nations take over citizens' pension money to make up government budget shortfalls. | |
The European Central Bank faces another crucial year in 2011. Below are the five key issues facing the bank as it tries to steer the euro zone out of the ongoing debt crisis. | |
Both France and Germany want an economic government for Europe. The only problem is they have completely different things in mind. The conflict threatens to derail any chances of progress. | |
Over the past year, it has become obvious that what leftists cannot win at the ballot box, they will accomplish via bureaucratic dictate. | |
“All these people who got MBAs made a mistake,” according to Jim Rogers, the commodities investor, at the Reuters Investment Outlook Summit last month. “The City of London and Wall Street are not going to be great places to be in the next two or three decades. It’s going to be the people who produce real goods in charge – the farmers and the miners.” | |
Credit card debt outstanding contracts from nearly $1 trillion to $800 billion. Bankruptcies on the rise even with tougher bankruptcy laws. | |
The Miami-Dade Police Department is poised to become the first large metro force using drones in its aerial missions. The department finalized a deal to buy a drone called T-Hawk from defense firm Honeywell and officially applied for permission from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) last month to begin flying it around the county. | |
It was revealed today by the AP that the state of Pennsylvania is allowing "wastewater so salty, and so polluted with metals like barium and strontium" to be flushed into local waterways. This wastewater is a result of natural gas extraction method called "fracking" which has been a sore spot with the affected community. | |
Jamie Dimon and his roving gangs of bastard charlatans are at it again... | |
The globalists are using fear to scare people into accepting yet another increase in the debt ceiling which is currently around $14 Trillion minus unfunded liabilities like Social Security. What none of these clowns will tell you is that this debt is manufactured from the Federal Reserve that creates all of this debt based money out of nothing. On top of that, the Federal Reserve charges interest on top of the money that they create out of nothing which forces the average American to pay income taxes to pay for the interest. | |
As part of the settlements, Bank of America made a $1.34 billion cash payment to Fannie Mae and a $1.28 billion payment to Freddie Mac on Friday. Noski estimates that the agreements reached with the companies leaves Bank of America with approximately $2.7 billion in outstanding claims for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. | |
Martin Hickman lifts the lid on the secret Whitehall policy unit dreaming up psychological tricks to alter our behaviour | |
China is confident Spain will recover from its economic crisis and Beijing will buy Spanish public debt despite market fears of an Irish-style bailout, a top Chinese official said Monday. | |
Pesticide residues found on conventional fruits and vegetables have been shown to be harmful to health, but what about the people who pick this produce and the children they bare? According to recent studies, field workers and their children who live in the Salinas Valley of California, also known as the world’s “salad bowl” because of its massive produce exports, are experiencing significant developmental and other health problems as a result of continual pesticide exposure. | |
Do you think that 2011 will be a good year for America’s middle class? Well, you might not be so optimistic after you read the 30 statistics posted below. The truth is that 2011 is going to be another crappy year for America’s middle class, and there is not a whole lot that you or I can do about it. | |
“”Reporting on crime that “doesn’t serve the interest of the democratic public” must be restricted to 20% of the time devoted to news.”” That would be nice wouldn’t it, simply removing the inconvenient news by not reporting it. Believe it or not, that is one of the planks of an authoritarian new media law recently introduced by a European Union country, a country that takes up the EU’s Presidency as of today. And it gets worse. | |
Feel like chewing your food is just too much work? PepsiCo knows exactly what you're going through, so they're taking all those annoying fruits that you'd otherwise have to bite into and 'drinkifying' them into semi-liquid goop. And it gets worse. | |
Californians will welcome 725 new laws on Jan. 1. Here's a glance at some of the laws taking effect when you ring in the new year: | |
"In the coming five years, our military will push forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction," said Liang Guanglie in an interview published by several state-backed newspapers in China. "We may be living in peaceful times, but we can never forget war, never send the horses south or put the bayonets and guns away," Mr Liang added. | |
Wargaming and simulations have shown that the U.S. would generate a 6-1 kill ratio over Chinese aircraft in the event of a conflict over the Taiwan Strait, but predictions are that the Americans would still lose. | |
• Copper demand is growing in many nations, as they either develop their economies or climb out of the Great Recession. • Bringing new mines online to feed that demand takes a lot of time and money. • New investment vehicles for copper could take some supplies off the markets - and just the possibility has already sent prices skyward. | |
The US military plans to deploy a new intelligence drone in Afghanistan, which military experts say will allow US troops to monitor much larger operational theaters than before, The Washington Post reported Sunday. | |
As the first oil pipeline between Russia and China, it will allow Beijing to increase its oil imports from Moscow. | |
Turning off mobile phones, avoiding the internet and tuning out of the television and radio can leave people suffering from symptoms similar to those seen in drug addicts trying to go cold turkey, researchers have found. | |
Hundreds of correctional officers from prisons across America descended last spring on a shuttered penitentiary in West Virginia for annual training exercises. | |
Well, there are clear signs that this massive data mining system on individuals is now solidly in place and is in full operation and can be expected to grow over time. George Orwell must be turning in his grave. | |
Just when we thought that buying “Organic” was safe, we run headlong into the deliberate poisoning of our organic food supply by the FDA in collusion with none other than the folks who brought us Aspartame. NutraSweet, a former Monsanto asset, has developed a new and improved version of this neurotoxin called Neotame. | |
THE euro has only a 20 per cent chance of survival, a leading think-tank warns today. | |
The good news is there's no reason anyone should ever starve to death in America. The bad news is more and more working Americans, many earning what were once middle class incomes, are spending their time and scarce money to find their next meal. | |
While most emphasis has been on Speaker Madigan's pension reform law setting up for later retirements and less cushy pensions for new firemen and law enforcement hires, little attention has been focused on the shift in pension fund pay=in burden that local city councils argue will now suddenly fall on their already cash-strapped budgets. Chicago's Mayor Daley blasted the reform bill Quinn signed on Thursday, predicting it will cause Chicago to hike its property taxes up to 60%. | |
Police in Delaware may soon be unable to use global positioning systems (GPS) to keep tabs on a suspect unless they have a court-signed warrant, thanks to a recent ruling by a superior court judge who cited famed author George Orwell in her decision. | |
New figures show 68 schools are now using technology to manage meals, control library books and even allow access to toilets. | |
Nano-technology is about to change every aspect of our lives and usher in the next technology-driven industrial revolution. From sources of energy to drugs to healthcare — and above all weapons — this revolution will have a greater impact on society than the first one. | |
Man strips to his underwear at Va. airport checkpoint; message on chest protests searches | |
Across the globe today, you'll find almost three dozen raging conflicts, from the valleys of Afghanistan to the jungles of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the streets of Kashmir. But what are the next crises that might erupt in 2011? Here are a few worrisome spots that make our list. | |
Many Americans live precariously close to the edge of financial insolvency flirting with economic disaster daily. If you casually browse mainstream articles and watch any amount of television you would think that the US still had a vibrant and strong middle class. | |
6 Dead, 12 injured...
Dem Rep. Gabrielle Giffords shot through brain; stable after surgery, doctors 'optimistic'...
Federal Judge Killed...
BOEHNER: 'An attack on one who serves is an attack on all who serve'...
CANTOR: Healthcare repeal vote postponed due to shooting...
Gunman ID'ed as Jared Loughner, 22... YOUTUBE...PHOTOS...
Obsessed With Mind Control...
MYSPACE GENERATION: Suspect Says Goodbye Online: 'Please don't be mad at me -- I cannot rest'...
Police believe gunman didn't act alone...

6 Dead, 12 injured...
Dem Rep. Gabrielle Giffords shot through brain; stable after surgery, doctors 'optimistic'...
Federal Judge Killed...
BOEHNER: 'An attack on one who serves is an attack on all who serve'...
CANTOR: Healthcare repeal vote postponed due to shooting...
Gunman ID'ed as Jared Loughner, 22... YOUTUBE...PHOTOS...
Obsessed With Mind Control...
MYSPACE GENERATION: Suspect Says Goodbye Online: 'Please don't be mad at me -- I cannot rest'...
Police believe gunman didn't act alone...
Friday, January 7, 2011
+113,000 JOBS DECEMBER...
'Employers added fewer jobs than forecast'...
'Employers added fewer jobs than forecast'...
femacamp info,
new world order
Sunday, January 2, 2011
House Republicans plan assault on Obamacare...
Piece by Piece...
Issa: Obama administration 'one of most corrupt in modern times'...
...vows to take on White House over spending...
New Congress sets its eyes on oversight...
Goolsbee: Failure to Raise Debt Ceiling Would Be 'Catastrophic'...
...don't 'play chicken'

Piece by Piece...
Issa: Obama administration 'one of most corrupt in modern times'...
...vows to take on White House over spending...
New Congress sets its eyes on oversight...
Goolsbee: Failure to Raise Debt Ceiling Would Be 'Catastrophic'...
...don't 'play chicken'
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